The PureH2O scheme heads for directions, such as:
The PureH2O qualification recognition model is targeted at teachers, trainers, learning facilitators, guidance professionals, school/institution managers and political decision makers are the selected subjects of fit these requirements.
Chemical and eco-engineering, environmental protection, biotechnology, healthcare, food industry need professionals with relevant and updated qualifications approved following the PureH2O path.
- Institutional cooperation
The PureH2O partnership between various institutions and national authorities contributes to the process of regulation, transparency and recognition of qualifications at national and European level.
Benefits from PureH2O measures
Target groups benefit from:
- Intensive support for their motivation for learning.
- Implementation of national good practices for qualification assessment.
- ECVET based system for sectoral qualifications description and multilingual e-portal.
- e-Scheme for PureH2O Skill Passports and instructions on practicalities.
- PureH2O training programme based on online and offline learning methods.
- Set of Learning Outcomes with training units.
- Learning Pathways and Short Intensive Courses.
- ECVET evaluation plan awarding credit points.
- Exemplary documents.
Target sectors benefit from:
- Sectoral network and organization of 6 workshops.
- Validation of PureH2O products and organization of 6 testing events at sectoral level.
- Embedding of project results in related sectors.
- Multilingual dissemination materials: booklets, leaflets; posters; website information, and others.
Regional development benefits from:
- Standardized user-centered VET learning paths.
- Qualifications descriptions in the field of PureH2O to be introduced into the educational and industrial sectors in Bulgaria, the Netherlands and Turkey.
- Globally accessible PureH2O e-portal.
- Tests and certificates offered to trainees from Bulgaria, the Netherlands and Turkey.
- PureH2O national workshops for presentation of project outcomes.
- International workshops with participation of broader audience.
- Cluster activity with similar initiative for further application of the PureH2O model.
- Introduction of numerous EU initiatives, such as ERASMUS +; South-East Europe, Seventh Framework Programme, and others.
Post-Project Life
The sustainable impact of the project results is expected to be reached through dissemination and use activities. Partners undertake some specific targets-oriented work focused on target groups, economic sectors and institutions.
Sustainability is ensured by:
- Maintenance of the project consortium during post-project life by self-funding and national support.
- Support the web panel and its refreshment.
- Implementation of the project products and results into national educational systems at formal and non-formal educational settings.
- Network formation and dissemination & use events: pilot training, workshops, presentations about the project learning material with information about mapping VET.
- Development of new learning pathways, with transferable learning outcomes.
Building of clusters with relevant projects for prolongation of PureH2O project life